3D Printing and Just Some of Its Annoyances: Redux

So, remember the other day when I graced you all with some misadventures in the wildly complex dance between 3D printer and operator? Well, it’s time that I give some updates.

Nana refused to print consistently. Sure, sometimes everything would turn out great. Other times (this happened twice, by the way), she would produce an immaculate print, then give up directly afterward, printing nothing but hot air on her next run. This went on for a few days, until I decided to recalibrate the E-steps. Great, everything worked. But soon afterward, I again was getting inconsistent quality. Some idler screw tightening and a bit of hope later, and she worked. But then she stopped working. Nana really does hate me.

Nana’s rage built up until, finally, the extruder stepper somehow became so hot that it melted the extruder body. With this warped extruder, I was able to pull off one final print to replace the broken part.

“ow!” is the proper response

And that’s my story of how a machine ate up all my spare time for about a week.

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